Комментарии и статьи экспертов

  • 25.06.2018Россия - Бразилия: потенциал энергосотрудничества

    Одной из первоочередных задач для новых международных "центров силы", включая Россию, является консолидация экономического потенциала – как собственного, так и своих партнеров – с достижением синергического эффекта от этого взаимодействия

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  • 22.06.2018The BRICS and the Infrastruttures’Policy / Giorgio Toscani

    According to the Economics, an infrastructure is commonly defined as the network of goods and services representing the fundamental element for the socio-economic development of a country. Within the scope of the goods, purely economic are considered those basic infrastructures which allow the State to exercise the function of stimulating development; in addition, to such infrastructures we have to link the so called social infrastructures that guarantee the basic services to the citizen, ie those infrastructures that must have a high accessibility, at low-cost conditions, to allow the country to grow; in this framework we find the so called primary services such as transport, energy and telecommunications.

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  • 22.06.2018The New Development Bank of BRICS: current innovations and challenges / Roberta Ciampo

    The need to face the infrastructural gap and the lack of resources among the BRICS countries had induced governments to create in 2015 their own financial institution, the New Development Bank (hereinafter NDB), whose task was firstly and foremost to coordinate the different infrastructural needs, and secondly to maintain the main focus on sustainable development. However, since it was born recently, this new institution is still confronted today with various obstacles: how to define, build, measure and monitor sustainable development? How to incentivize investments? How to formalize these commitments with the interested parties?

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  • 22.06.2018Will the BRICS succeed in leading the way to sustainable development? / Elisabetta Basile, Claudio Cecchi

    The aim of this paper is to explore the role of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in promoting and enhancing sustainable development. In the present historical period, this is a crucial issue. According to several scholars, we already are in the new era of Anthropocene and the human impact on the life on the Earth system is very near to become irreversible. The serious engagement of all countries – developed, developing, and emerging – is needed to mitigate the impact of human action on environment, enhancing the transition to sustainable development (Basile and Baud, 2018).

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