First Euro-BRICS Webinar on Political Anticipation

2016-02-12 / Анонсы

Monday, 15.02.2016, 5pm CET.

Those of you who have subscribed to our newsletter on Gmail groups have received an invitation from LEAP to participate in current event. Those who have not, will be able to watch and listen to the webinar recording. Sorry for such short notice. This Webinar is the first one out of three, we will inform you of the following webinar in advance, so stay put and enjoy.

Mondays 90 minute Webinar will include four following talks:

Talk I: An Introduction to Political Anticipation - by Marie-Hélène Caillol

In 2009, LEAP has formalised and started teaching the original method it is named after (European Laboratory of "Political Anticipation"), rooted in a 30 year-long history, having proven its efficiency and transmissibility, and aiming at remaining a simple accessible method to increase everyone's capacity to improve his/her taking into consideration the future in his/her processes of decision-making in a complex reality.

Talk II: Political Anticipation in Practice - by Sylvain Perifel

The person speaking of the future is generally considered as a mere fortune-teller. To avoid such a discredit, much care has to be taken to remain as rational as possible. This is the heart of the method of Political anticipation. He will highlight the main points of this method: identifying trends and ruptures, dealing with sources, and think of an accurate timing.

Talk III: Political Anticipation as an Educational Tool - by José María Compagni

Political anticipation method is an efficient tool to improve the general understanding from an individual, groupal and societal perspective. Any political anticipation implies a purpose towards we will direct our efforts. Our purpose is to improve the efficiency of the learning process throughout life, by changing the nature of the educational process, doing it more collaborative and entertaining.

Talk IV: Politics between Reaction and Anticipation - by Michai Nadin

The current situation in the world is rather the expression of the failure of politics to be anticipatory. When politics succumbs to the reactive mode, every situation looks like a hole that needs patching. Those interested in political anticipation need to be aware of the difference between the two.
